Arts & Culture

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out” – Dr Seuss

Benjamin Pine Arts & Culture

The school offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities for pupils from Grade 2 to Grade 7. It is the philosophy that these activities be offered to the majority and so mass participation is encouraged. At the same time we give those pupils with specific abilities the opportunity to extend themselves at a higher Zonal, Inter Zonal or Provincial level. Those who do achieve this are awarded School Colours or School Honours awards.

Every pupil from Grade 3 to Grade 7 is encouraged to participate in at least one organised activity per term. An Extra Curricular programme is sent home during the first week of each new term. The programme offered for that term is explained and pupils then ‘enrol’. Once they have indicated their desire to participate we insist that they persevere and so learn commitment. If unable to attend an organised practice an excuse note addressed to the teacher in charge of that activity is required. The Extra Curricular programme is not offered in the first or last week of school term.

Activities we offer


Art is fun because it is a form of self-expression, you can make something into whatever you want it to be and create what you wish. Imaginative activities for young learners can lead to better skills in creative ways of thinking.


Our chess team plays against other school teams as well as playing friendly games in house.


We have a Grade 3 and Grade 4 Choir of about 50 children. A Senior Choir (Grade 4 – 7) accompanied by our music team of enthusiastic staff members.


Drama is linked to the annual school production as well as being a platform to encourage children to develop confidence and to express themselves in different and creative ways.

Scripture Union

Scripture Union (S.U) is offered by our local Baptist Church, conducted at lunch time on a Tuesday..

Get in Touch

(031) 701-6161

office Hours

07:00am – 15:00pm Monday – Thursday
07:00am – 14:00pm Friday

Our School

11 Blenheim Road, Farningham Ridge, Pinetown

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Arts & Culture


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